Pygmer (VXPY-A)
System:A paper-free filter system intended for purification of grinding fluid in single grinding machine. The system is complete with automatic topping-up and evaporation cooling. Includes filter mesh of stainless steel cloth. Automatic filter cleaning and sludge dewatering.
The features of Pygmer are:
Permanent self cleaning filter cloth of stainless steel.
Minimum floor space required; Vertical type of liquid tank
Automatic sludge dewatering and discharge
Evaporation cooling (lowers the temperature up to 3°C)
Removable scraper even during operation
Optional tramp oil separator
Feed tank with pump that makes it possible to connect even machine tool with fluid outlet at very low elevation
Purification quality: Particles down to 25µ
Throughput capacity: Up to 100-300 liters/min. (Depending on model).