Water based cutting fluids
The contaminated fluid is separated in a 3-phase lamella separator in which tramp oil as well as solid particles in the coolant are separated in the lamella package. The purified coolant is sent to the machine tools, and the separated tramp oil is collected in a waste oil container. The separated solid particles settles to the bottom of the separator and are automatically removed by a scraper unit to a sludge container.Vivex provides the following four systems for purification and management of coolant:
1. Mobile Tramp oil separator Penguin (VXKN-M) performs "dialysis" on fluid in sump, i.e. by-pass separation of coolant in a sump from tramp oil.
2. Tank cleaning and coolant recycling Donkey (VXDK-M). Tank cleaning can be done during production with our mobile, media free, self-cleaning vacuum filter with built-in tramp oil separator,
3. Our Central Coolant Management Systems operate automatically providing connected coolant sumps a constant and purified coolant volume, automatic coolant topping up system, and an automatically operating waste removing system. The central units are provided with automatically operating Clean In Place (CIP) systems. There are four different types of central units;
- Dolphin (VXGR) or up to 4 machines,
- Mustang (VXCS) up to 10 machines,
- Bison VXSK-A 300) up to 20 machines
- Dinosaurus (VXSK-A) up to 300 machines.
To date 300+ central units installed World wide.